What is AeroBreath™?
The AeroBreath™ Project began as the charitable collaboration of two Vermont aerospace engineers to prototype a fully capable simple ventilator at low cost and using only broadly available materials. Through collaboration with medical experts, the AeroBreath ventilator has been refined without increasing complexity so that our goal of rapid deployment can be fulfilled. The AeroBreath Ventilator provides positive-pressure breathing assistance.
Isn’t it over (or just about)?
Read why we need the AeroBreath™ ventilator more than ever, for this round of COVID-19 … and the next.
How much does it cost to build an AeroBreath™ ventilator?
The parts for our AeroBreath™ ventilator prototype cost less than $100. In the direst of circumstances, this ventilator could be operated by a hand crank, in which case cost reduces to $50.
Is the AeroBreath™ ventilator FDA approved?
The AeroBreath™ Project is currently developing its application for FDA Emergency Use Approval for the United States. We also have clinical trials scheduled at two major U.S. healthcare institutions.
How can a AeroBreath™ ventilator help a sick person right now?
The AeroBreath Ventilator augments breathing through positive-pressure assistance as the lungs tire out from working against congestion and inflammation.
How does an AeroBreath™ help front-line healthcare professionals?
The premise behind The AeroBreath Project is that some breathing assistance, less than full-on intubated ventilation, may help some get through the illness when ER/ICU care is not needed or available. One of the anticipated front-line challenges is availability of enough ventilators. Using simpler, more quickly deployable machines can deliver breathing assistance to more people, sooner. Thankfully, a few major medical device and industrial companies are significantly increasing their production capacity for more sophisticated ventilators within the next few months. The AeroBreath Project aims to augment those efforts, by focusing on solving the urgent need for simple, lower-cost devices for post-ICU care and regions without sufficient access or resources. Our goal is to ensure a rapidly deployable, effective and proven solution made of more readily available components. The $100 AeroBreath™ Ventilator minimizes logistical delays by keeping the design simple.
How can I help?
The AeroBreath™ Project is seeking donations in order to source parts, develop kits, and build and deploy the ready-to-use AeroBreath™. A donation of any amount will support our goal to provide as many ventilators as are needed everywhere around the world.